
Friday, May 9, 2014

hub after evapo-rust

All the rust is gone.... as is most of the chrome :)
Lots of oil applied to try and keep the rust away.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Finished dissasembling front wheel.

Front wheel

I was going to reuse the spokes and spoke nipples, but it looks like they were installed by using a too-long length, then just nipping the excess off. That is probably why I could still see some excess when I pulled the tire/tube/rim-strip off.

Another reason reuse is a bad idea is that the spokes are 1.8mm instead of 2mm and they are bent and not in good condition. In fact I had to cut one of them out because the spoke nipple seemed to have a stripped thread (probably due to a snipped spoke head not being a good fit anymore).

The hub is in the evaporust overnight. Not sure how I can cover the rim in evaporust, but I will figure something out.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Front Wheel

Well, I got a job, which has impacted my ability to work on bikes.

Now that I have settled into work a bit, and nice weather is back again, I am going to try and finish putting this bike back together.

Pulling the wheel apart

Wheel Assembly

Axel grime

Hub rust

Inside rim rust

outside rim rust

Rim strip

Spoke length (279 but spoke tension was low, and many spokes protruded into rim strip

Spoke tension (generally between 15 and 18

Tire is toast

Tire size (looks like 26 x 1 1/2 x 1 5/8 for 1 1/2 pim ???)

Wheel bearing size

Spoke size

I am still undoing all the spokes so I can completely remove the rust on the rim and hub. I was going to reuse the spokes and the nipples, but am not sure now, since the spokes are pretty bent up.